Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Pretty Little Liars | Steal Aria Montgomery's Fashion Style!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm addicted to Pretty Little Liars. It is without a doubt my favourite tv show, and is what I always look forward to watching each week. One of the things I love the most is how beautiful the four main characters are, each with their own individual style. I really love Aria's style, it's very unique to her character and suits her perfectly. I love the quirky outfit she wears and how well she pulls them off. This post shows how to get some of her looks from the show. I find it quite hard to find somethings, and some are quite pricey. This is my first fashion post on this blog so I hope you enjoy it!




So there we go! I love how Aria dresses, I think she has the most unique outfits on the show and also the most distinct. I found it really hard to find some pieces, so some may not look too similar so sorry about that.

Please let me know what you think about these types of posts, I'm not sure whether or not this post worked out well or not. If you'd like me to do another one let me know in the comments, or if you have any ideas on how I can improve posts like this let me know too I won't mind any negative comments!

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