Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Introduction to | University Series


Hey guys, I hope you are all well.

 I've recently decided to start writing a series of blog posts aimed at a level and university students. Having just finished my first year of university, I am hoping to be able to share some of the knowledge I've picked. I know when I was beginning university I looked at blogs for information and advice from people who were currently at university. Quite a few of the posts I looked at were from beauty bloggers. I enjoyed these posts as I felt they came from a person I could relate to and had a personality rather than the information you can find on university websites.From blogging about how to prepare for moving away to how to make the most of freshers week, I hope you enjoy the posts!

If you are going to university this September or in the next couple of years then email or comment below to let me know! If you have any questions that you might want to ask in private, then also feel free to email me at beautybucketlist@gmail.com or tweet me @BeautyBList! I will be happy to answer any of your queries and would love to here from you.

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