Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Why It's Ok to be Pale

I''m incredibly pale. It's a fact, from a young age I've constantly been asked 'Why are you so pale?' 'Are you ill?' or even 'Are you a vampire?'. I used to hate my pale skin and try to cover it up by fake tanning or using darker foundation (and blending it down to the neck). However, I have recently begun to embrace my pale skin for what it is. And I hope that I can show some of your other pale people out there, why you should too.

Before I start this post, I would like to say that I am in no way against tanned skin (natural or fake). I myself love the look of glowing tanned skin, and have fake tanned before. However, I feel that around this time of year, people who are naturally very pale sometimes feel down about their natural skin colour. If you are anything like me, you won't tan naturally in the sun (I don't really burn either so that's a plus) and fake tan doesn't look quite right on you because 1. everyone can tell that its fake as you are so pale 2. all your makeup is suited to pale skin and doesn't look quite right and 3. You look so different you don't look like 'you' anymore.

This post therefore is in no way a bashing of tanned skin, I am personally jealous of those who have such amazing skin and wish I could achieve the same. However, this post is about a celebration of pale skin and should hopefully help people feel like its ok if they want to show off their pale skin in the summer.

Pale Skin is timeless. In Victorian times, pale skin used to be the envied skintone and considered something to aspire to. The logic behind this was that the paler a woman's skin was, the less time she spent outside working. So those with paler skin were more likely to be from money and not need to work. While this logic doesn't exactly apply today, it shows that pale skin is a classic, timeless look. Also, think of how beautiful the actresses look in period dramas. They all have pale skin.


Pale skin IS sexy. I've often heard comments that paleskin can't be sexy and only those with a tan  can be. To all those people, I dare you to look at these images and still say that:


Look how many pale celebrities there are that women are envious of? There are many celebrities who are known for their pale skin and who embrace it, and they are beautiful.

I hope that this had showed how beautiful pale skin is, and it should not be something that is dismissed as 'sickly looking' nor should people ever be told 'you need to get a tan'. Everyone should love their natural skin colour.

If you have pale skin let me know if you embrace yours and how, if you have any reasons why you should love being pale, let me know in the comments!

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