Thursday, 6 February 2014

Yakee Candle | Wishlist

Okay, so I have a bit of a confession. I didn't used to see the obsession with candles at all. I mean, I like makeup and clothes and nail polish, but the whole candle hype just went over my head. I think it was made worse by the fact by sister always used to burn Cinnamon candles, and I can't stand the smell of Cinnamon. Everytime she burnt it, I thought the house was on fire!

Recently, I've actually begun to really like candles and I love how they can make a room smell. I've smelt quite a few types of candles but the main ones I'm impressed with are Yankee Candle. I love the huge variety they have on offer. I think I've got quite a particular taste in candle scents. As you may be able to tell, I love fruity scents and sweet scents. I'm not sure why, I quite like the floral ones but sometimes they're a bit much for me. I'm not a fan of the spicy ones either.

I really love all these scents and would love all of them. Let me know if any of the ones on my lists are ones you also love or if you have any suggestions for me.

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