Friday, 7 March 2014

Makeup Through the Ages | 1990s

I've recently become really interested in how makeup trends have changed over time. As a result, I've decided to start a blog series on makeup trends in different eras. I thought about doing it chronologically, but instead decided to do it in which was easiest. I decided to start with my favourite - the 1990s.

I grew up in the 90s (born in 1993) and it's weird looking back on my childhood and seeing how things changed. For me the 90s meant the Spice Girls and watching Friends on TV. Watching these old programmes back, it's amazing how different the makeup is.

The 1990s saw the trend of 'no makeup makeup' which has recently started to be seen back on the catwalks. It's the idea of wearing makeup so it appears that you are barely wearing any - that you just woke up looking that good. If you look at all the 90s pictures above, they aren't wearing any noticeable eyeshadow, not much eyeliner (maybe some kohl pencil), no false lashes and just a bit of lipgloss. There's none of the heavy contouring or fake eyelashes that we see today. The 90s also saw groomed brows. These were well kept and filled in, but not deliberate made thicker or plucked to and inch of their lives as you see today.

Get the Look
In order to get the look, it's important to have the skin looking as natural as possible. Use a tinted moisturiser or a BB Cream in order to allow your real skintone to show through, including slight rosey cheeks and freckles. To tidy up the brows use a brow pencil with a brush on it to comb through them and gently fill in with the pencil. To get the 90s look make sure it looks very natural and doesn't look drawn on. Don't alter the shape of them either, or try to give your brows a huge arch, just follow the natural line. If you want to use an eyeliner on the eyes use a soft brown kohl eyeliner this will create a soft effect that will give the eyes a bit of definition without looking unnatural. Finally, for a bit of colour on the lips using a tinted lip balm to give your lips a bit of colour and a glossy shine that looks like 'your lips but better'.

I hope you enjoyed today's post, and if you are also a nineties child, thinking back to your childhood. I really enjoyed writing this post and it's interesting how makeup trends change so much in a few years.

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