Saturday, 7 December 2013
Blogging Wishlist
Blogging Wishlist? What's that? Is this a list of all the blog you wish you owned? Nope, my blogging wishlist is a list of things that I am currently wanting which I think would help me to improve my blog. I try my hardest to make sure my blog is as good as it can be, and also welcome constructive criticism (if you have any feel free to email me at beautybucketlist@gmail.com). However, while I am proud of my content and am amazed at the number of followers that follow this little blog I know that there are certain things I could do to try and make this blog better for both my own satisfaction and for yours.
Velbon Summit VTP-787 Travel Tripod, Black -£24.95
The first thing on my wishlist is a tripod. I'm not sure of the exact brand or the differences between them, I simply would like something to stand my camera up. I want to start taking more outfit photographs for my blog however it's incredibly hard to do when I don't have people to take photographs for me. I don't tell people about my blog so there is no way I could ask the people I live with to help me.
Canon Powershot Sx260 Hs Compact Digital Camera - £149.99
Secondly I really want a new camera. My current camera is pretty cheap (£60 I believe) and I also managed to break the catch on it, so it has to be sellotaped up to ensure the batteries don't fall out. This makes it really difficult to take photos of arm swatches or nail polish. Secondly, I don't think the quality of my pictures is that good, I wish it were but compared to other blogs I know it isn't. I'm not a photographer so I don't want or need a DSLR and think I can't justify spending money on one, plus I wouldn't have a clue how to use it either. However, upon reading reviews this camera seems like a good quality and is quite affordable too.
Adobe Photoshop CS6 - £629.99
This one is pretty pricey, and I don't think I'll ever actually own it. However, I think photoshop would be great for both editing photos and helping to update my blog design. I'm always trying to change my blog design and am never happy with it, and think that Photoshop would help me improve it.
So that's it. Let me know what's on your blogging wishlist if you have a blog in the comments. If you have any feedback for me I'd love to hear some, I'm always trying to improve.